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Peoples Daily


Wall shelves may be wooden, steel or glass

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Clutter is not unusual for most homes. In fact, it can be a constant challenge that many people find stressful as they find themselves in a never ending cycle of cleaning. This is why it is important to organize shelving to help remove the clutter from the floor and coffee tables to a place where they can be kept and organized. Wall shelves are a great way to achieve this.


Get a coordinated look with concrete tiles

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With technological advances that allow it to take on virtually any colour, texture or shape, concrete tiling is redefining its role on the residential landscape. Concrete's new flexibility has made it a leading player in a design process that puts increasing emphasis on outdoor space.


Right locations for your microwave

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Where do you put your microwave? Or better still, what location do you feel is the best for a fully functional kitchen? Does the design matter in the placement of the microwave or is it all about convenience? We will explore different possible solutions of where to place your microwave in your kitchen; from on top of the kitchen


Royal touch with Plaster of Paris

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The use of Plaster of Paris (POP) for ceilings has revolutionized the look of contemporary interiors. Earlier, decorated ceilings were only part of palaces and forts of the royals. The common man never considered the ceiling to be a design element; till the advent of plaster of Paris. POP has transformed the ceiling from a mundane part of the interiors to an exciting design element. In fact, it is a perfect example of the impact of a building material on interior design.


Taking pleasure in the flow of water

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Wall water fountains are fantastic decoration to any space in your residence, house or office. A fountain which is from the Latin words "fons" or "fontis" meaning a source or spring is actually a piece of architecture which dispenses water into a basin or jets it into the atmosphere. It was at first purely functional, linked to springs and utilised to supply drinking water and also water for bathing and washing to the residents of cities, towns and villages. Besides supplying drinking water, fountains are also utilised for ornamental or striking effect and also to celebrate their designers.

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