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Life stresses can influence your outer beauty:

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3 ways to fight the effects on your appearance

We all experience stress from time to time, but when stress occurs frequently (chronic stress) and is left uncontrolled it can cause both health concerns and a hazard to your appearance. Stress is a natural response to emotional or physical threats. This can be from work, a daily commute or family life.


Women’s colours, feminine and classy

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By Miriam Humbe

Right from cradle, it is possible to tell if the new born is a girl by merely seeing the color of the baby’s blanket. Its common knowledge that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. It however appears to be a cultural phenomenon. Pink is woman’s color, it is feminine and classy. It is both a day and night color and comes in both bright and cool shades. Top Nollywood actress, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal personifies the feminine slate as she steps out stylishly in different shades of pink dresses with matching accessories to grace her beautiful curves. 


Best 10 beauty pageant queen tips every woman can use

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While genetics certainly do play a large part in looking like a beauty queen, there are many tips and tricks pageant queens use to transform themselves into completely stunning divas. By learning how to use these beauty tips to your advantage, you too can look like a beauty queen!
1. Increasing Hair Volume:


5 Beauty Tips for Teeth:

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Whiter, healthier smiles with home tooth  products

1. Tooth Care Basics Everyone Should Know
Taking care of your teeth means more than brushing with a good toothbrush twice a day with a flouridated toothpaste, and visiting the dentist twice a year, but those are the basics for caring for your smile. As we get older, problems with bad teeth and gums start to show in terms of yellowing,


Skin care tips for black skin

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Nowadays many beauty salons have come up with many effective black skin care treatments for the people whose skin have been tanned or pigmented due to various reasons. For several reasons including pollution and ailments, many people lose their actual skin tone and their complexion turns into blackish.

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