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Strange World

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# Article Title Author
1 Man slept next to dead wife for 5 years Administrator
2 Schoolgirl, 12, has to eat double her bodyweight in cornflower every year or will slip into a coma Administrator
3 Daredevil breaks world record after balancing 23 benches on just his teeth Administrator
4 Zimbabwean son and mother want to get married Administrator
5 Isolated Peru tribe makes uncomfortable contact Administrator
6 Who’s a cheeky little chimp! Curiosity gets the better of two-year-old chimpanzee as he peeks down his keeper’s T-shirt Administrator
7 Man gets £70 fine after double yellow lines painted under his parked car Administrator
8 Pet owner builds 3 metre tower for his goats to replace their usual hilly home Administrator
9 Grandfather stunned when dental X-ray shows pellet that was shot into his jaw when he was TEN Administrator
10 Thieves steal booze but forget to fill up getaway car Administrator
11 Left-right, left-right - Honk! A gaggle of geese march to musical tunes by river side Administrator
12 When cats compete for fastest weaving trophy Administrator
13 Deer crashes through window of Atlanta taco restaurant Administrator
14 A Chinese trucker who hit a boy... then ran over him again to be sure he’d died Administrator
15 Man caught on camera ‘beating dog with pole and punching it in the head’ Administrator
16 Brothers charged with stealing US bridge Administrator
17 Brothers charged with stealing US bridge Administrator
18 Meet the robot who plays piano faster than any human Administrator
19 Farmer becomes minor celebrity after digging up tortoise-shaped potato Administrator
20 World’s biggest tower is to be built for $1.2bn in Saudi Arabia by the Bin Ladens Administrator
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Today's ePaper


WEEKEND  A brief history of Northern elders

THRILLER FROM THE VILLA  US Embassy, Maku and VIP protection

WELLNESS ZONE  Tips on excercising safely

ICT ESSENCE  5 things to keep in mind before starting a Blog

CUISINE  Why your dining table can't serve its purpose

GREEN PASTURES  Don’t take credit for what God is doing


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