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Home Life Style LEARNING Useful tips for securing Internet connected devices (1)

Useful tips for securing Internet connected devices (1)

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ICT ESSENCE with Bello Abdul’Azeez

+234 805 113 0075 | This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | www.ictessence.com

Last year, 2011 was a year of mobile revolution, from simple tablet to a sleek new laptop, a shiny new electronic device was likely at the top of many holiday wish lists during the December festive period. Many lucky recipients will immediately load personal data, contact information, photos, and entertainment files onto their new toy, eager to enjoy their new tech devices.
Hey! Be careful! Not so fast, you need to get an internet security for the new toy! When new devices are completely unprotected, it takes just a few clicks to have personal information stolen or for their new device to become laden with malware.
In order to keep personal information, identities, and money protected throughout, it's important for users to secure their new devices the moment they begin setting them up. Most consumers now live a multi-device lifestyle, which presents a greater opportunity for cybercriminals to victimize people who leave their new devices such as tablets and smartphones under-protected and at risk.
Mobile users now value their digital assets more than ever before. A recent survey found that global consumers had on average more than N6 million of "digital assets" stored on the multiple devices they own.
These following tips will show you how to safeguard your lovely device and expensive information and data from cybercriminals:
. iPads, iPhones and your apple computers are prone to malicious applications and they are the main threat area, so be careful of third-party applications and only download from a reputable app store.  Read other users' reviews and make sure the app's access permissions make sense.
. Make sure you are also protected against data loss, by backing up your mobile devices regularly.
.Consider mobile malware threat protection, not only to protect against viruses and for safe mobile surfing, but to also safeguard privacy in the event of loss or theft.
. If you have a new PC or netbook, make sure your computer has comprehensive security software - anti-virus software alone is not enough. Be sure to back up regularly.
If you are contemplating on getting your devices or PCs secured, you should consider the following
. real-time anti-virus,
. a two-way firewall,
. anti-spyware,
. anti-phishing
.safe search capabilities.
Additional levels of protection include:
. anti-spam,
. parental controls,
. wireless network protection,
. anti-theft protection that encrypts sensitive financial documents.

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