Luscious hair secrets

Ever wondered why some people have luscious, shiny, radiant healthy hair that never looks out of place? Use the guide below for your own, luscious, healthy hair. 

-A professional haircut will ensure that your hair is free from dry,damaged and spit ends and will make your hair look healthy. 

-If you get your color touched up on a regular basis about every 5 to 6 weeks you may actually keep your hair from unnecessary damage 

-A lot of people damage their hair with very hot water. Hot water can irritate and dry the scalp. Not to mention how it will overstimulate the oil glands in your scalp. Go for warm instead. Wash your hair every other day or even every third day. If your hair is oily, in which case you can use a little baby powder to soak up the oil. 

-Choose the right products for your hair. Use shampoo designed for your type of hair. Do not put the shampoo in the middle of your hand and push it into the middle of your scalp. Rub it on your hands to evenly distribute. If you have acne, remember that shampoo can cause more acne. Rinse your face, neck and back thoroughly after using shampoo. Use hair conditioner which is formulated for your hair type. 

-Never brush your hair when it is wet.

Brushing can break hair. Use a comb and pick up sections of your hair to comb easily and carefully. 

-Don’t forget, vigorous towel drying actually damages the hair shaft

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